tank cleaning

Choosing the right contractor for any project is important. When it comes to commercial tank cleaning in confined spaces that may contain atmospheres harmful to workers, you need a team of experienced professionals.

The Cal Marine Cleaning, tank cleaning services, team has a combined 100 years experience in the fields of fuel oil and CHT tank cleaning. On land and marine.

Let Cal Marine Cleaning’s team clean your fuel, water, CHT, lube oil tanks for inspection, hot work or preservation needs. We will clean the mud and muck and waste product from your tanks using vacuum trucks or portable storage tanks and pumps. Pressure wash or even hand wipe with lint free rags to achieve the level of cleanliness desired.

At Cal Marine Cleaning Safety is our #1 priority, so when it comes to entering confined spaces for cleaning we use every precaution to protect our and your employees.

Our policy is to ensure at least one Competent Person (trained by a Marine Chemist) is on site to monitor gasses with a calibrated multi-gas meter and insure the safety of personnel.


ultra high pressure washing

 Cal Marine Cleaning LLC owns, operates and maintains quality Ultra High Pressure Washing, Water Jetting machines. Admac® 40000 psi and 200hp Jet Edge® 36000 psi, intensifier type, hydraulic over water, ultra high pressure washing, (UHPW) machines. The use of hydraulic fluid power provides smooth flowing UHP water resulting in quality water Jetting.

We also use the Gardner Denver® Vulcan Stripper® rotary guns. The Vulcan Stripper® has seen many years of dependable, continuous service in a wide range of industrial settings and circumstances. The Vulcan Stripper® delivers the power to clean the most difficult surfaces down to white metal quickly and cost effectively using a minimum amount of water. Ultra-High Pressure Water Jetting, produces a white metal surface standard equal to NACE No. 5/SSPC-SP12. Major paint and coatings manufacturers have developed coatings specifically for ultra-high water blasted surfaces. High pressure waterjetting is not only economical, but with so many environmental advantages it is becoming the preferred process for coating removal by many major industries.

It has been proven that marine paint removal with 40,000 p.s.i. water blasting removes more of the chlorides and soluble salts that cause future corrosion under new coatings. Other methods of paint prep often need pre washing to remove these contaminents. Ultra High Pressure washing saves this prewash step increasing quality and productivity.

• Industrial and Marine Coatings Removal.

• Scarification

• Tank Refurbishment

• Auto Body Paint Removal

• Lining Removal

• Hydro Cutting

• Hydrodemolition

• One Pass Dissimilar Material Cuts

• Deep Cutting

• Rebar Exposure

• Rail Car Refurbishment

•Water Jetting

•Tube Lancing

•Heat Exchangers

These are just a sample of the UHPW and Hydrobalsting services that Cal Marine cleaning performs, call us today with your Commercial Ceaning needs.




5k to 15k psi

Cal Marine Cleaning owns, operates, and maintains a large fleet of industrial Hydroblasters from Gardner Denver, Hammelmann, Jetstream and Tritan with pressures from 5000 PSI to 15000 PSI, and flow rates to 95 GPM. With our many pieces of equipment and accessories, Cal Marine Cleaning has the equipment too meet your industrial cleaning needs.

·         Boiler Cleaning

·         Boiler tube Lancing

·         Condenser Tube Cleaning

·         Paint Preparation

·         Coating removal

·         Heat Exchanger Cleaning

·         Hydroblasting

·         Water Jetting

We strive to consistently provide our clients with the optimal level of cleanliness, and adhere to the most stringent of schedules. Weather your project calls for one technician and a low flow water conserving wash nozzle, or one of our multiple high flow nozzle, nitrogen unloading systems, with a full crew of trained technicians, Cal Marine Cleaning will provide the level of cleanliness you need at the time you need it.

Cal Marine Cleaning also provides Vacuum truck service and double and single wall poly tank liquid storage tanks from Snyder Industrial. With cradle to grave lquid handling, WMC can be your one stop industrial cleaning solution.

Call Cal Marine Cleaning today.  

All machines are available for rent, operators included on 10,000 PSI machines and above.


pressure washing

100-5000 psi

coming soon….


boiler cleaning

Cal Marine Cleaning, CMC, Cleans and Hydroblasts all types of Boilers, Heat exchangers, Tube bundles and piping. has cleaned Boilers, Heat exchangers, and Condensors on ships and land. We use various flexible high pressure lances and the right tips to get the job done.


chemical cleaning

Heat Exchangers - Boilers – Piping Systems

Chemical Cleaning is an efficient, cost-effective way to remove corrosion, deposits, residual oils/greases, and other obtrusive contaminants from tainted surfaces. This process is used as periodic maintenance to keep systems free of blockages and contaminants. The United States Coast Guard and Naval Sea Systems NAVSEA recognize Cal Marine Cleaning for Chemical Cleaning of ships systems.

  • Cal Marine Cleaning has the Chemical Cleaning Equipment needed.

  • Large in Shop Diptanks

  • Well Trained Team

  • Process Control Procedures for Various Systems

  • We have chemicals that are non-toxic, non-corrosive, non flammable, non-injurious to personnel

Our Chemical Cleaning Services provide:

  • Temporary Storage Tanks for effluent, Mixing Tanks, Heat Exchangers, etc.

  • Analysis of effluent for disposal

  • Removal and disposal of effluent

  • Inspection of some systems can be accomplished with our video inspection equipment.

Cal Marine Cleaning is equipped with portable heaters and heat exchangers that can be utilized to improve the effectiveness of any cleaning project.

 Available Chemical Flushing Media


  • Sulfamic Acid

  • Citric Acid

  • Caustic Soda

  • Tri Sodium Phosphate

  • For a complete listing call: Charles Jacobs (425) 317-8298

Applicability to Industrial and Shipboard Systems

  • Boilers

  • Cooling System

  • Heat Exchangers

  • New Systems Piping (to remove oils, slag, etc.)

  • Condensers

  • Degreasing

  • Tanks

  • Piping Systems Cleaning

  • Surface Preparation


systems flushing

Water, Fuel & Oil Piping Systems

Flushing of Oil and Fuel System Piping: This process is used as periodic maintenance to keep systems free of blockages and contaminants. Or as cleanliness after repairs to system piping.

  • Cal Marine Cleaning has the flushing pumps and filtering equipment needed for the job.

  • Well Trained Team

  • Process Control Procedures for Various Systems

  • We have filtering equipment for removal of water, particulate and acids.

Flushing of Water Systems:

  • From Fire Main Systems to Potable Water Systems

  • Removal of Contaminants

  • Chlorination of Potable Water Systems

  • Services of an industrial hygienist

  • passivation and neutralization

  • pipe passivation for cleanliness

Our Flushing Services Provide:

  • Temporary Storage Tanks, Flushing Pumps, Filters for various applications, Heat Exchangers, etc.

  • Chemical Analysis of Oil / Fuel for water contamination, spectrographic metals, particulate, total acid# if applicable.

  • Removal and disposal of flushing media.

  • Inspection of some systems can be accomplished with our video inspection equipment.

Cal Marine Cleaning is equipped with portable heaters and heat exchangers that can be utilized to improve the effectiveness of any cleaning project.

Available of Flushing Media


hydraulic oil refurbishing

A sample of hydraulic fluid taken from the hydraulic resevoir on our Jet Edge 40,000 psi, ultra high, pressure washing machine, before processing.

Cal Marine Cleaning has the equipment and technicians to meet your oil cleaning needs. We are a one stop shop with a Karl Fischer volumetric titrator to test water content before and after processing in both Hydrocarbon and Synthetic oils.

   A large 10 gpm Vacuum dehydrator with 20 gpm 1/2 micron nominal filters.

 If Acid in your Phosephate Ester (Fyrquel Oil) is a problem, Caln Marine Cleaning has a large Ion Exchange Resin bed to quickly clean the largest of reservoirs.

 A 75 hp 190 gpm hydraulic flushing machine to clean newly fabricated systems or old systems that have been contaminated by wear, broken components or recently upgraded and in need of pickling.


EHC/Phosphate Ester

Hydrolytic breakdown is one of the largest concerns facing today’s users of Phosphate Ester EHC lubricants.  Hydrolytic breakdown occurs by exposing oil to heat and water during normal operation.  Once out of OEM parameters, the oil requires specialized treatment to bring it back into spec.

Hydrolytic breakdown causes the formation of acidic compounds in the oil, resulting in an exponential rise in total acid number (TAN).  Historically, Fuller’s Earth or Activated Alumina have been the recommended acid scavenging media to address this issue.  However, both media’s have their own negative contribution to the oil.

Although an effective acid scavenging media, Fuller’s Earth has a history of leaching detrimental heavy metals back into the system.  Activated Alumina, also an effective acid scavenging media, creates salts in the oil.  These salts adhere to metal parts, causing wear to surfaces.  Over time, the leaching of heavy metals or the addition of salts into any system can lead to a higher TAN than before.  Ion Exchange technology can reduce both the TAN and resistivity without negatively effecting to the oil.

Cal Marine Cleaning has the technical expertise, equipment and personnel to return our customer's out of spec oil to a like new condition.  With the latest in Ion Exchange technology and flow rates to 20gpm Cal Marine Cleaning can guarantee the short turnaround time our customers need.  Cal Marine Cleaning's Ion Exchange process has NAVSEA approval for use onboard U.S. Naval vessels.


Video Inspection Services

Video Tape inspection for piping systems and just plane hard to get to spaces. For inspection or trouble shooting 

Video Tape inspection for piping systems and just plane hard to get to spaces. For inspection or trouble shooting.  Our video inspection equipment offers excellent image quality in a flexible scope. The scopes are flexible so that they can be inserted into many applications, from gas turbines to process and high purity piping. They include distal tip articulation and interchangeable optical tip adapters to maximize image quality in the specifics of your application.


Vent Cleaning

Cal Marine can reduce fire hazard and increased air flow in ventilation systems with our vent cleaning equipment.

Method (1) Compressed air cleaning system. The compressed ai drives the cleaning nozzle head forward into the duct. By manipulating the cleaning hose, the operator can direct the cleaning head where he wants it to go, for instance into a branch duct. The same system works in a wide range of circular, square, and rectangular duct sizes.

Method (2) Ventilation brush cleaning is an easy to manage ventilation duct cleaning system. The system also works in a wide range of circular, square, and rectangular duct sizes.


Mechanical Cleaning

When you need to remove old paint and rust in areas where sandblasting is not an option, Cal Marine Cleaning has the people and equipment to meet your needs.

When trying to do "rust removal", or any type of coating removal in preparation for new coatings, in areas where Sand Blasting or high pressure water are not suited. Another alternative is Mechanical cleaning. 

Mechanical cleaning is used when a mechanical means of rust removal or any coating must be removed from a surface. We use manual or pneumatic Needle guns, chipping hammers. Air and electric grinders, wire brushes and any other tools that may be needed to get the job done. Depending on the size of the job, Cal Marine Cleaning has the resources to use 1 or 100 or more mechanical cleaning devices simultaneously. Call CMC today for all your Mechanical cleaning needs.


Equipment Rentals

Cal Marine Cleaning has the necessary tools and equipment to meet all your liquid storage needs.

500 to 6,000 Gallon Poly Tanks: 

Cal Marine Cleaning can provide liquid storage capacity up to 6,000 gallons  per container in Portable UV stabilized cross link and linier Poly Ethylene tanks. These tanks are mobile when empty and when used in conjunction with secondary containment, provide an environmentally safe and secure way of storing any poly ethylene compatible material.

When lay down is a concern, but 110% secondary containment is a must, Cal Marine Cleaning provides double wall 4,500 gallon portable UV Stabilized, cross link poly ethylene storage tanks. Great for environmental sensitive areas. All Poly Ethylene tanks have molded pad eyes for easy lifting. No matter where your work area is, from the flight deck of an aircraft carrier to the side of a freeway, Washington Marine Cleaning has the liquid storage system to meet your needs.

Secondary Containment 

When hazardous materials or waste needs to be stored in close proximity to environmentally sensitive areas, the reliability of your secondary containment should be considered.

With sectioned inter-locking side walls and up to 40 mill EPDM liners, Cal Marine Cleaning can build a reliable secondary containment of various sizes. Giving our customers the flexibility to expand or reduce the size of the containment area quickly and easily will maximize usable space on the job site.



Pressure Washers / Steam Cleaners __Pumps And Filters




Video Inspection Services

 Operator Included With Rental